rhem I special edition (en)

I congratulate you for reaching this building. Some time after Kales left, I arrived here and discovered that Rhem has many more areas. In order to open the distant, fifth area, it is necessary to obtain four parts of a medallion, one of which I discovered not far from here.

RHEM I SE - The Mysterious Land Special Edition expands the huge world of the original RHEM by a new unseen area with many new puzzles and challenges. The additional goal is to find one quarter of a medaillion that you may need in the exploration of the upcoming RHEM V.

When you start the game you will be transported to the land of RHEM. The car has been commandeered and you must sit tight in one spot, momentarily unable to leave. It roams about RHEM and discovers the mysteries of this place little by little. The only possibility of a return home is a letter, which it must not only find but also put together. RHEM is a rich and complex place with its own logic and rules, but where every element and environment has been created with a purpose.

- first person graphic-adventure
- point-and-click mouse-navigation
- mind-bending puzzles for Mac and PC
- non-violent story
- non-linear gameplay
- thousands of images and animations
- stereo-environment-sound

  NEW compared to the original RHEM
  - extended version of the original RHEM
  - new area and new puzzles
  - external save and load (not in MacAppStore version)
  - animated water
  - build-in color-picker
  - build-in skip/jump mode to skip some long walking distances
  - higher image-resolution

RHEM I SE is a graphic adventure (point-and-click, pre-calculated first person). The virtual world is shown through the eyes of the players. The environment consists of individual pictures covering a 360-degree view. Navigation takes place through going forward, turning left/right, etc. In principle, each standpoint has four views. In the virtual world, one must have in advance different puzzles to unlock, representing both collection and use.

information, order, walkthrough, support etc.

copyright 2002-2017, Knut Müller
All rights reserved.

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