
Journey to Rhem By the time you see this message I will have been long gone from RHEM. If fate has kept you a prisoner here I can offer you the opportunity to return to your own world. But I will need your help. In RHEM is a letter I have written to my brother. If you help me get this letter to my brother ZETAIS I can help you get back to your world.

A rich and complex place with its own rules.
On a quest to uncover the secrets of a mysterious letter.
A journey - you arrive, a stranger in a strange land.

When you start the game, the opening movie will run and you will be transported to the land of RHEM. The car has been commandeered and you must sit tight in one spot, momentarily unable to leave. It roams about RHEM and discovers the mysteries of this place little by little. The only possibility of a return home is a letter, which consists of four hidden fragments, which it must not only find but also put together. RHEM is a rich and complex place with its own logic and rules, but where every element and environment has been created with a purpose.